Save time.

Maximize Profit.

Flip smarter.

Resell phones smarter with pricing information from platforms like Back Market, Swappa, Walmart, Gazelle, and the tools to help guide your inventory purchasing decisions.

Make more money

on every device

Data is gathered from reseller sites on over 350 phone models to help you compare prices and ensure you make the most money for your inventory.

Sell confidently with accurate, up-to-date information.

Save Time.

Price Smarter.

Phone resale can be very lucrative but it can also be very time consuming. Spending time checking so many different websites to sell a phone makes it incredibly difficult to know where you can get the best price! We bring all the data to you in one centralized place.

Daily Data Updates

Sales data on reseller sites changes every day. If you priced your device yesterday, you may already be undercut. It’s all over the map! Luckily, we’ve organized it for you on our easy to use platform.

You could be missing out on hundreds of dollars per device you sell.

Where should you sell your inventory to maximize your profitability?

We got you covered. Quickly check the Andover Analytics dashboard to see which ecommerce site or direct buyer is offering the most money for the phone you’re selling.

Plans to fit every business

Try Andover Analytics risk-free with any of the monthly plans—all of them come with a free 7-day trial!

Experience the full features and benefits before committing. Sign up today, and see how Andover Analytics can make a difference for your business, no strings attached. Start your trial now!

Contact Us

Interested in working together but have some more questions before signing up? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!